Pastor Nitin and our team have had the privilege to create and contribute to the following evangelism resources.

Click the links to get PDFs available for Download.

The True Path

True Path Booklet – Tract for Buddhist audience

1Cross App

1Cross App – Gospel-sharing with diverse languages.

True Life

True Life – Tract for Muslim audience

Attain Moksha in this Life

Attain Moksha with Naya Jeevan 2022 – Tract for Hindu audience
Attain Moksha – English
Attain Moksha – Hindi & English
Attain Moksha – Longer English version

Apologetics Resources for Defending Christianity

These resources would be good to answer the questions of youth, young adults, and those exploring our beliefs. Our faith is not blind, but is based in both historical and logical truth.

Stand to Reason – Website, YouTube

Reasonable Faith – Website, YouTube